Questions and Answers

Stole from Barbara

Answer Yes or No
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? yes
Q: Been arrested? No
Q: Do you like someone? I like a few people. I even love a couple.
Q: Held a snake? Once, a long long time ago. it belonged to a boy. I liked the boy. I have the trust the owner and the snake. This sounds dirty in my head. Not meant that way.
Q: Been suspended from school? no
Q: Sang karaoke? no and NEVER WILL
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Yes, a few times. Shit, almost daily.
Q: Laughed until you started crying? yep
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yep
Q: Kissed in the rain? Yes
Q: Sang in the shower? No. I only sing in the car when no one can hear me.
Q: Sat on a roof top? Yes
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No one is that stupid.
Q: Broken a bone? yes, if you want to count fingers.
Q: Shaved your head? I wasn’t bald but a razor has been involved in a few hair cuts of mine.
Q: Played a prank on someone? Maybe? I don’t really know. Probably?
Q: Shot a gun? I think a bb gun.
Q: Donated Blood? A few times. You should too.


Also stolen from BPD in OKC

1. Most loved food: Pasta
2. Most loved person: My Kids
3. Most loved job: Writer
4. Most loved city: New Orleans or Washington DC. I love the history of both.
5. Most loved band: Blue October, today. Something different tomorrow.
6. Most loved web site: Mine. Nah, She inspires me.
7. Most loved TV program: My favorite current show is “The Secret Life of an American Teenager.”
8. Most loved movie: I don’t really have an all time favorite movie.
9. Most loved artist: Oh wow, just one? I love the classics.
10. Most loved book: Lord of the Rings.
11. Most loved shop: Target
12. Most loved organization: I don’t really have one.
13. Most loved historical event: I don’t know what to say here.
14. Most loved sport: Bike riding
15. Most loved piece of technology: Nicky my d80
16. Most loved annual event: I hate holidays.
17. Most loved daily task: That moment when I first get home from work when both kids just light up, but before we’ve all had the hard day set in and we fall apart.
18. Most loved comedian: Robin Williams


Stolen from BPD in OKC

1. Most hated food. Anything that isn’t made exactly like I want it made.

2. Most hated person.
I don’t hate people. It’s takes too much precious energy.

3. Most hated job.
Circuit City

4. Most hated city. Columbus

5. Most hated band. Any boy band

6. Most hated web site. Perez Pilton or Hilton or whatever. Starting to hate TMZ as well. Leave the damn celebs alone. They shit too, ya know.

7. Most hated TV program. Most anything trying to be funny.

8. Most hated British politician. I have no idea who any British politicians are. So I’ll go with Bush.

9. Most hated artist. I don’t hate any.

10. Most hated book. Dedicated

11. Most hated shop. Walmart

12. Most hated organization. PETA.

13. Most hated historical event. 9/11 I still remember where I was. And it changed the world.

14. Most hated sport. Golf

15. Most hated piece of technology. Phones that do more than make phone calls and send the random text. Cameras are just barely ok.

16. Most hated annual event.
Sweetest day. Because clearly valentines day isn’t enough.

17. Most hated daily task. Waking up. It all goes down hill from there.

18. Most hated comedian. I’m not sure.

Why I Don’t Believe

First off I have trouble with organized religion period. I don’t believe there should be rules in how you worship whatever you believe in. As far as sins go, I think the bottom line needs to be, be a good person. Yes things like not stealing and killing are considered sins, but they should also be considered common sense. I have trouble believing things like premarital sex are sinful. As long as no one is being hurt in the process, it should be considered to be a beautiful expression of emotion, and that is not dirty or bad. For the record, if I had to choose between stealing food or my family starving to death, I’d steal the food. I don’t think that would make me a bad person, just a concerned and overwhelmed mother.

I also, and I blame BPD for this, have a lot of trouble believe in things I can’t touch or see. The bible is 1 part common sense, which works for me, and 1 part blind faith. That last part is where you lose me. I can touch and see my goddess daily. She is the earth we walk on. The mother of life. To me it’s common sense that with every mother there is a father. So I consider there to be a god, who is the father. So you can see a connection there to organized religion. Which is why I acknowledge the god I believe in might be one and the same to the god my mother believes in; but that does not mean my beliefs align with hers.

I believe in evolution. There is scientific evidence for this that I can see, that scientists have touched. There is no blind faith involved, just an understanding in science and how things work.

I think we are here to learn. I think each life spent on earth is another chance to learn a lesson. Something solid. Things that make us a good, solid, whole person. I don’t know what my lesson is, but I’ve guessing it deals with happiness and depression. I believe that once we’ve learned everything we need to be enlightened, over many of hundreds of life spans, we no longer need to walk the earth and that we can be at one with the mother and father. For we, as their children are a part of them and they are a part of us. This means I believe in reincarnation. It also means I don’t believe in heaven or hell. I believe we go somewhere, a greater plain of existence, though I’d never presume to attach a name to it. I’ve never been there, so how would I know.

I know that last part takes a lot of blind faith. Right after saying I have trouble with blind faith. But after a lot of reading a soul search, that is simply what makes the most sense to me and what I can be comfortable with. So it’s easier for me to believe.

I’m done rambling for now. However, I’m sure I’ll come back to this topic. I feel my BPD greatly affects my beliefs, so this can be considered an important topic.


While I’m on the subject of controversy, and my mom is in possible hysterics, I’m bi-sexual too.

I’ve never been with a woman. Mostly because I haven’t found the right one. Even then Pat and I aren’t in a healthy enough of a place to where I can maintain a relationship outside of ours.

He does support it though. His view is a woman could give me things he simply can’t.

Lucky for me, he is very feminine and masculine at the same time, so I can be happy with him in a way I wouldn’t be with anyone else. I’m not the best mom, but he is while I make a great dad. It’s backwards but it works. He can cook, I can tote a hammer. I work, he keeps house. We work well together and fit. A matched pair.

I think that, more than anything else, is why I went back to him. No one can complete me like he can. That and he’s my best friend.

Will I ever have a girlfriend? I hope so. it’s an experience I feel I should have in my lifetime. To answer questions as to who I am and what I enjoy. To find parts of myself. SO someday. Just waiting for the right time and woman.