Harder Than It Looks

I’m discovering it isn’t easy to keep 2 blogs alive.  The main problem is thinking up content.

Both blogs are important to me, though, so I don’t want to let either go.  And I can’t merge them because they have 2 completely different goals.

So I write in both and I suppose if I miss a post here or there, I’ll survive.


The other blog is here.

Therapy – DBT

Going to therapy lately has felt weird.  Mostly because there isn’t anything really going on in my life, so I feel like there is nothing to talk about.  There are no big issues, just the same old crap.

Last week I was proactive about that though.  I thought back to the days when my therapist taught dbt, and I thought how my meds doctor wants me in dbt but realizes I can’t afford yet another weekly trip to that end of town.

So I compromised.  I asked my therapist if she still has all the lesson plans from when she taught dbt, and if she’d be willing to have mini dbt with just me during our sessions.  She does and she is.

So now once a week, I will have dbt with my therapist.  I will relearn the old skills and I’ll strive to be better.

And of course, the dbt lessons will allow room for the day-to-day crap that might come up and need working out in therapy.

I’m excited.  I think it was very wise minded of me to come up with this idea.


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My lovely daughter turned 4 yesterday.

Let me just say, the past year with her has been rough.  I don’t like to call her bossy, but she does have some major leadership skills.  She is sweet, but she is also demanding.

She starts preschool today.  I honestly in ways feel like I’m a year late in getting her started.  She had some issues that held her back, but this girl is ready for school!  In fact, right about the time this goes live, she’ll be getting off the school bus for the very first time and rushing to tell me all about her day.  I hope she’ll talk about her day.

Mothering this child is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.  But I love her so very much and I couldn’t imagine life without her.

I just hope that she uses her inner strength for good, and I pity the person who thinks she’s weak or a fool.

Not my Samantha.  She is a brilliant as she is beautiful, and as strong as she is brilliant.

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Touching Base In A Borderline Life

I’m in this weird position where things in life are going well, but I’m still not happy.

We usually have money troubles, but we were able to get a 2K advance on my student loans and that allowed us to catch up and get everything up to date.  We then have more money, twice as much I think, coming in October and that will allow us to pay ahead even.  So it’s not like we’re rolling in cash, but things could be and have been a lot worse.

We’ve been in this house a year now and we still love it.  We still want to grow old here.  It’s all that we could ask for.

My sister is healthier.  She still has a lot of healing to do, but she’s getting there slowly but surely.  We knew this would be a long process but she’s in no immediate danger.

The boys are back in school.  Sambam starts preschool Monday.  She is so ready.  We are so ready.

Pat and I are eh.  We spend too much time together.  I think it’s our personal mental health causing spousal drama.

The word I’m using is apathetic.  I feel apathetic towards life.  I also threw into the mix: agitated.  I don’t know why.  There is no certain thing or person agitating me.  I’m just agitated.

And Apathetic.