The Immortal Olive

Over the weekend I asked Tumblr if an olive was a fruit. I got a few responses and some general conversation that affirmed, yes it is a fruit. It has a stone pit in its center, that qualifies, as far a botanical definitions go.

I then followed up with the suggestion that this in fact made olive oil, juice, and invited people to discuss.

That’s when things got out of hand.

I’m not going to spoil for you all the many directions this conversation went in. There are over 2,000 notes, at the time of typing this Sunday night, and most of them are golden.

So what I will do is link you to the starter post and let you explore the notes as you please. Or you can just read my tumblr from that time period, if that is easier for you. I was very involved in the conversation and managed to capture most of the high points.

Here is where it began.

What you do with this knowledge is up to you!


So in me Business writing class there was this girl.  We’ll call her Heather.  Because that was her name.  Anyway, Heather was the biggest bitch to me.  Not just in general, but directed at me directly and to my face, in front of the entire class.  She was the biggest bitch.  It all started when I accidentally outed myself as genderqueer.  She suddenly singled me out and was really nasty.  So that was Heather.

Anyway.  For the second half of this class we had a business proposal we were working on.  I chose to write a proposal to my landlord requesting permission to install a little free library in my front yard.  With these business proposals we needed to have a primary research source.  This is an interview or a survey that we conducted ourselves.  I originally decided to reach out to those who ran their own LFLs and ask them some questions.  But of the 12 surveys I sent out, I only received 1 back.  Meanwhile Heather was bragging that she was conducting a survey and was sending it to 500 people.  Bragging and bragging.  So I decided at the last-minute, 4 days before the paper was due, that I was going to run an online poll.  I needed at least 30-50 responses to be statistically sound, but could I beat 500?

I have limited reach on Tumblr but I have powerfully popular friends there, and I told them about my project, and I about Heather, as a means of explaining why I wanted to smash 500 surveys into the ground.  Tumblr appreciates a good arch nemesis story.

Here are the results.

I had 4760 people take my survey.  The best part?  Turns out she only sent out 100 surveys and she got about 65 back.

Gotta say Heather, this doesn’t look good on your part.

My Hands

You may have noticed I’ve switched to video blogging, or vlogging. This doesn’t mean I won’t still write sometimes, but I’m losing my hands and wrists to the fibro. Actually, I think it’s carpal tunnel, but my fibro certainly doesn’t help. I’m noticing more and more that it doesn’t take much typing before the pain sets in. So I like to try and save my typing for work and school.

Besides, I think my therapy with fish series is kind of fun. I promise I talk about more than just fish. I talk about life, while watching a fish tank. It’s actually really relaxing and I can just talk. I’m a lot less apt to censor myself since I don’t want to start the whole video over. I don’t do any video editing. So it’s full me uncensored. So yes, I recommend watching the videos.

I’m also about to start a DBT series. It starts out rough, but I hope to liven it up some as I go. I just need to shake my jitters out and get used to reading on video. Anyway, this series might prove helpful, maybe. Maybe not. I’m doing it anyway.

Meet Spike

Spike is a very young, very small, Sunburst Platy.


And here we have Snailburt. Snailburt has hundreds of family members all living in my 20 gallon, eating my plants. I’m not overly fond of Snailburt and co. I mean, they also eat algae but in my 20 they seem to much prefer the plants because they are dying and the algae is out of control. Anyway, Snailburt.  I just love watching his little mouth work.  When my plants aren’t involved, that is.