Walking the Borderline

There are a handful of books out there, though admittedly not enough, that will tell you what Borderline Personality Disorder is, how it happens, and what it will do to you. This isn’t one of those books. We’ll call this my memoir. A place for me to outline in detail what this disease has done to me and my life as I walk the borderline.

Just had to get those words out of my head. I want to write a book someday.

This Just In…

It seems we are getting a house phone now, instead of just our cell phones.

Our oldest is wanting to call friends and give out his phone number.

So now I’m sitting here making him little cards with his phone number on it for his friends.

I was twice his age before I had a friend to call.

Dinner Plans

I’m really hurt by this. So I’m hoping that writing it all out will get it all out of my system.

When I got home from work last night I was told by my husband and father that a huge family dinner was in the planning stages. My father was going to make a huge pot of pasta, and he was going to go buy some rolls and even something for dessert.

He was planning to invite my sister, who came over to play with my oldest, never my youngest, to stay and eat with us.

For whatever reason, Rachel couldn’t or wouldn’t stay.

5 minutes after she leaves, he’s in the kitchen making a single can of soup and then goes to bed for the evening.

2 major cases of blatant favoritism in 1 day is more than I can stomach. I’m not sure which one hurts me more.

He didn’t want to cook and eat with us, just her. She loaded Thomas up with tons of new toys and candy, barely paid Luke any attention.