Blood Work

My mom drew my blood this evening. (She works in a medical lab btw.) She is going to run some tests on it and see if their is anything wonky to explain the weird pregnancy like feelings and over all feeling that something is off. I will admit that it isn’t impossible I’m pregnant. I’m active, shit happens. We have, however taken precautions so it’s not highly probable. Yes, she is running a pregnancy check too. These tests will be more thorough than peeing on a stick. The stick doesn’t check blood sugar, the thyroid, vitamin D levels, etc, etc, etc. She’ll also be able to check to see if my body chemistry is off because of my meds. Not that we’d know which one, but we’d still know something is off. And that’s all this is, a starting ground.

Do I really think something is medically wrong with me, besides BPD?

Not really.

But she runs these tests usually yearly anyways because of various meds I’m put on, so this one happens to coincide with me knowing something is off in my body.

Yes, it’s probably just side effects of my meds.

On the other hand, if I am pregnant, getting me off the anti-psycotic now, verses later, would be for the best.

3 thoughts on “Blood Work

  1. Besides the pregnancy (so sorry, i know you kinda, sorta wanted it to be +), let us know what else is going on…if you want, okay?

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