10 Reasons To Let Sambam Live To See 3

Children of Borderline Parents

So I started this not long before Sambam’s 3rd birthday and apparently couldn’t come up with 10 reasons without resorting to “I actually love her” or “Murder is wrong”, so I’m going to revisit it now that she’s well into OMG THREE YEAR OLDS ARE PURE EVIL.  Ahem.  They are also more entertaining.

  1. She only really has 23 days to go.
  2. She pronounces futon as “puton”.
  3. When she’s defiant and says no, she says “no thank you”.
  4. She is an expert on zombies.  Both being one and remembering to double tap when her brother plays the zombie.
  5. When her aunt asked her the meaning of life recently, she replied “family and love”.
  6. Because while playing with the wrestler figures of an older boy I watch after school, the following came from her mouth:  “My name is Ciena and I love warm hugs”
  7. She has the sense of humor and spot on timing of a true comedian
  8. Because one day she was so excited to nom down on her string cheese, that she literally full force bit her own finger. Of course queue melt down inspired by being bit and being mad that she’s the one that did it and oh the pain and oh the shame. (It was a shame!)  Her daddy and I tried so hard not to laugh at her while comforting her.  AKA she’s pathetically adorable.
  9. She has most of the “Do You Want To Build A Snowman” song memorized.  Granted, her willingness to prove this is getting old.
  10. Because the sheer force of girl power that comes when she plays with her little cousin Rosie, who is basically only 2-3 months older than her, is awesome stuff.  They have their own language and if you could bottle the energy you could power entire cities, but it warms the heart.

Alright!  I should schedule this to drop around her half birthday.


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