What is Walking the Borderline All About?

Well, I’m reviving this place.  Shaking it up!  I’m working behind the scenes and in front of the scenes, and in some cases building the scenes.  All that to remember the main mission of this place.  It has not changed one bit in the 6 years this place has been up and running in its various states, and I don’t plan for my mission to change anytime soon.  Now, if you look up there at the top, you’ll see an about WTBL link.   It also holds the mission statement.  However, I don’t trust that it always gets clicked so I’m putting it right here where you can’t miss it.

Purpose Of Walking The Borderline:

This Blog is here to showcase what it’s like living with Borderline Personality Disorder. This blog is also here to entertain you and to give you a glimpse inside the inner workings of the illness. While I’m targeting people who have BPD and their loved ones, my main goal is to spread the word about this illness. I want it commonly known.

Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Blog

Are You My Target Audience?

Are you someone who has borderline personality disorder?

Family with someone with BPD?

Friends with someone with BPD?

Working with someone with BPD?

Curious about BPD?

Someone with any other mental illness?

The Types Of Posts You Can Expect

My entries can be directly divided into 3 groups. The first is direct research articles that I’ve written on various topics of importance to the illness. The second are stories of antics in my life that while personal, show directly how the illness affects me and those I live with. The third are random stories of the day-to-day nature that while they won’t be directly related to the illness, they will still show glimpses into my head.

Comment Policy

I invite and encourage any and all questions and comments. Including constructive criticism. However, 2 things will not be tolerated. “Get over it!” without serious advice on how to do so. As well as “You suck!” without a detailed explanation as to why you believe so. All comments are indeed moderated mostly for my benefit so that I don’t accidentally miss them.

Not Always PG, Never Family Friendly

Finally, keep in mind one thing. I will not censor myself on here. You’ll see me post things that you’d never dream anyone would make public knowledge. You’ll see me go off on rants where my language won’t be proper. Just keep in mind that this is indeed the truth behind BPD. Private isn’t always kept as such, and public isn’t always prim and proper.

Now sit back and enjoy the ride!

4 thoughts on “What is Walking the Borderline All About?

    • Thank you from my heart for saying that. Sometimes I feel like I’m talking just to myself. Which, I’d still do this as it’s theraputic, but it’s nice to know I’m being heard. Please never hesitate to comment.

      • You deserve it. I know what you mean. I think you’re being heard as you’re probably the only open person with BPD that’s consistent. People probably don’t comment a lot because they’ve got their BPD impulse control switches on.

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