This ‘N’ That

It’s kind of nerve racking not knowing if anyone from work reads my blog. I’m posting about things I shouldn’t make public work knowledge because the people from work who do have access to my blog I know I can trust to keep their traps shut. And well, let’s be honest… With the turn around at work as high as it is, most of work is job hunting from time to time if not all the time. So no real secret there. And if I am pregnant and it gets out at work, there isn’t anything they can do as long as I continue to do my job. I’m protected by a union they can’t just fire me because I’m going to take a maternity leave in 8 months (which will be covered by FMLA if I’m still there even).

When I start my period the day I get the pregnancy test result of not pregnant I’m going to laugh then cry.

I got another call from a different branch of the same bank. I’m talking to them Monday as well. And I have someone else, I don’t even know what bank (this is a Craig’s list listing I answered) emailing me back asking for an interview. I told them when I’m available but I haven’t heard anything back, because of the holiday I’d imagine.

I’ve set up the royal palace for Lucky. My mom has her in a cage already but if it’s the cage from her garage that I think it is… well what I have set up is better. It has a wheel and tunnels and a loft. Lucky is still little so I might as well give her the perks while she is little enough for them. Eventually she’ll need a bigger cage and I’m not sure what we’ll do then unless the boys have passed. They are pretty old though so that’s not a far stretch I don’t think. I don’t know. David, what is the life span of your average rat? (Never mind, it’s 2-3 years. I just looked it up. So yeah they are getting old.)

I guess that’s it for today. This is, after all, my third post. And it’s officially my bed time. Back to work at 10am in the morning. Good night everyone!

New Furry Addition To The Family

Congratulations, it’s a girl.

My sister has a snake. She feeds this snake rats. I try not to think about it but it’s a fact of life. Snakes eat rodents and things. These rats tend to be bread for this purpose.

My, down to, 3 rats are feeder rats. They just had a higher calling in life. A greater purpose, so to speak.

Today my sister bought a rat and tried to feed it to her snake. The rat was a little too energetic or the snake wasn’t hungry. Whatever, the snake wanted nothing to do with it.

So the rat was pulled out of the tank and put in a cage. Where Thomas found it and made friends quickly. Then named her Max. Then introduced Max to his little brother.

Of course.

Now Max can’t go in with our rats because one, it’s female and none of them have been fixed. Two, my rats are cranky old men and will attack anything that goes in their cage. They are just old. And cranky. I can get my hand in there to feed them. I can even pick them up. So it’s not like it’s a problem. But they bite anything that moves in their cage that isn’t me (or each other). Including cat paws, as Tiny Cat quickly discovered. They drew blood, Tiny Cat now knows better. We fear putting a younger unfamiliar rat into their cage would lead to a death. Max has better odds with the snake. Even if I’m wrong about the boys killing her, she is still a she so there will be no integration.

We have the old cage the boys outgrew long ago so Max has a good home. We even have a replacement water bottle since the boys tend to go threw them until we got glass. Now all we need is some bedding and we are good to go.

Welcome to the family Max, you are a little unexpected and unplanned but you will always have a home.

Edit: Apparently Max has been renamed Lucky because well, duh.

My Tongue Is On Fire

I’m eating chips and salsa. I think I’m calling it dinner.

So far my one day vacation has been pretty good. It wasn’t completely kid free. The kids were here from about 9:30- noon. Then mom took us all out to lunch. It was a pleasant surprise.

After lunch Pat and I did our first of the month grocery shopping. We tend to make two large trips in the month with many “honey pick this up on your way home” trips.

Then I did the impossible. I’m completely caught up on blogs. I’ve read them all. Well, by that I mean as caught up as I’m going to get. Unless I’m really pulled in, I don’t read back any further than a page or two when catching up. I just read too many blogs to read every word ever written. Though I do have a few I never miss.

I’ve also, sorta, worked on laundry. I sorted my socks and threw out old ones that were recently replaced.

I got a magazine in the mail and reading that will come later this evening.

I also have another movie to watch with Pat. Last night we watched The Sorcerers Apprentice. I gotta tell you, it was really good. I’m surprised it didn’t do better. But then, it’s my genre so I was going to like it.

But now I need to return my blog list to it’s rightful place. Though I think I’m going to make three lists. Break it up some. Wait, make that four.

Follow Ups and Confessions

My interview wasn’t for Wednesday, it was set for Monday. I said it was Wednesday because I knew I had Wednesday off. I figured I would work Monday. I wasn’t given much choice as to the when of my interview. I was told when. I figured I would call in sick to work. Middle of the day, I didn’t see how I had much choice. The few coworkers who knew about the interview said hell yeah I should call in sick. Whatever it takes to get out of there. They know I’m not a lifer. The bank is bigger and better things. But I didn’t want to broadcast, even here where higher-ups have access, that I was planning to call in sick on Monday. So I lied and told you guys my interview was Wednesday. And my planned migraine for Monday was just going to be a coincidence. Luckily I was scheduled off for Monday so I don’t have to call in sick. Which is good. I don’t like lying and I can’t afford the hit in hours. I have never called in sick for anything other than being sick. I see no need to start that habit now. That and I respect my hard working co-workers. And while I seem to have their support, I still don’t like the idea of short staffing them. But again, I’m not scheduled to work anyways, so it doesn’t matter now.

I’m mostly saying this now so that I can report on the interview Monday and not wait til Wednesday like planned.

I also have a doctor’s appointment scheduled for Monday morning. I figured if I was going to miss a day of work, I might as well be productive. My current doctor’s note expires Saturday, though I’m sure they will allow it to carry over into Sunday. So I’m going to go back to the doctor to talk options. I’m pushing myself really hard in physical therapy. I have hand weights I’m using at home too. I’m pushing my shoulder hard. As a result, I’m in a decent amount of continual pain. My doctor was talking MRI. So we’ll get that scheduled. My doctor also wanted to do a basic blood work up. Nothing fancy, just that time of year. With all the meds I’m on, it’s pretty standard. While we are at it, I’m going to ask him to order a blood work pregnancy test. I trust that more than I do the stick I’m peeing on. I have a history of false negatives in early pregnancy. But with all the meds I’m on, I can’t afford to wait and see. If I am pregnant I need to know now so I can get off my meds now.

So I should know either way by Tuesday. Wednesday at the latest.